
The committee is made up of volunteer plot holders.  We meet once a month, currently the Monday following the first Sunday of the month. If you are interested in joining the committee, please speak to any of the committee members, or write to us using the details on the Contact page.

Below is a list of the committee members’ plots, so plot holders can raise any issues they wish to have discussed at the next monthly committee meeting.

ChairGrant Beresford132
TreasurerMathilde Langlois9
SecretaryChris Reilly163A
Plot Letting Secretary (BertRoad)Bob Pickett42
Shop ManagerJohn Pulling2A
Plot InspectorBeryl Taylor160
Working Party ManagerJohn Taylor160
Gill Pulling2A
Rent Letter SecretaryCarly Whittaker1A
Plot Letting Secretary (Lion Road)Sharuddin Rosunally151
Plot inspectorPaulette Miles148
Plot inspectorPia Westin8