
Renting a Plot

Our waiting list is now open! 

Please contact us at providing the following details:

  • Full name and address
  • Email address
  • Mobile number
  • If you are looking for an average or small site- we can try and match you with a suitable site (please see below).

Sorry, but we can only accept requests from residents within a 1 mile radius of our site. If you are outside our area but in Croydon, here’s a link to Croydon Council Allotment page.

See our radius here. 

An average plot is measured in the old English measurement of Rods (30sq yds per rod and are usually 8 or 10 rods). More information on our plot sizes.

We also have smaller plots (4 or 5 rods), which are ideal if you are new to allotment growing.