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Information for Plotholders

The follow general information may be useful for plotholders.

Please also browse the Info > Info for Plotholders menu above to find the information you’re looking for. You can also use the Search.

Working Parties

On the first Sunday of each month we hold a working party to maintain the site.

From 2017 all plotholders are asked to contribute a minimum of 3 hours work a year.  If this is not possible, an additional maintenance charge will be added to the annual rent.

More information on Working Parties.

Plot Inspections

During the growing season, you may notice members of the committee looking at your plot.

They are doing this to help all of us keep the allotment site open.

This is because we lease it from Croydon Council and we need to meet certain standards.

Weedy Letters

Should your plot require work, you will receive a Weedy Letter.

Weedy Letter #1: If you should receive a weedy 1 letter, this will specify what you need to do to improve your plot and when you need to do it by.

Weedy Letter #2: If the work is not done within the time stated, you will receive a second letter giving a further week to carry out the work.

Weedy Letter #3: If there is still no improvement after the second letter you will receive a third letter (notice to quit) giving you a week to clear your crops and tools and return your key and receive your key deposit by cheque.

The National Federation rules only require us to give one improvement  letter before being asked to leave but we felt that our Weedy Letter system is a fairer process for all of us.

Don’t forget to talk to us if you have problems maintaining your allotment before it gets out of hand.

The 3 K’s

    • Keep your edges/path clear,
    • Keep weeding!
    • Keep planting!!!

Which edge/path are you responsible for?

As a plotholder you are responsible for:

a) All the edges of your plot.

b) Path between you and your neighbours
(Interplot path) to the right of your plot when you are on the main road/path looking at your plot.

c) Upkeep of 12″ of verge in front of your plot from your plot edge –  so don’t chuck stones  or rubbish on it as the Working Party may be coming along with the lawn mower!

And remember: number your plot clearly.

Free Manure

We do get occasional free deliveries of manure and wood chippings. It is dropped just past the office It disappears quickly so please help yourself while it’s there.


Bonfires can be lit after sunset (17:56)  on March 10th.

Natural materials only, no plastic,rubber or anything that will cause noxious smoke.

All fires must be supervised until extinguished.

Please remember that bonfires are only permitted on days advertised by the committee.

Incinerator bins are allowed under strict conditions.

Please ensure you follow the Bonfire Guidelines!